utorok 12. februára 2008

Border Terrier


MOST SUITED AS Hunting dog and family pet.

The shoulder-height is approximately 35cm (131/in). For dogs the weight is permitted to be 5.9 -7.1kg (13 - 151/21b); the weight for bitches is between 5.1 - 8.4kg (111/2 - 141b)

The hard coat is thick with a dense under-layer. The recognized colours are red, wheaten, and grey with grey markings.

Groom them thoroughly at least once a week. Depending upon the condition of the coat, the Border Terrier's coat may need plucking occa­sionally but must never be trimmed! Plucking by hand removes old and excess hair.

The Border Terrier is a tenacious, brave, equable, stubborn, lively dog which is sportive and untiring. This breed can take a blow and is not sensitive to pain. It is loyal to its handler, patient with children, and adaptable.

Training is relatively easy because the Border Terrier learns so quickly.

It gets on well with children. If you want it to get on with other dogs, cats, and other house­hold animals, then it is essential to introduce them when it is young.

It has been said of the Border Terrier that it can hold a horse under control. Whether this true is perhaps questionable. It is true that they love to run and play out of doors. A Border Terrier restricted to three short outings per day and spending the rest of his time indoors will adapt to this life but at the expense of some of its zest for life. Border Terriers are suitable for sports like fly-ball and agility skills.

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