utorok 12. februára 2008

Bedlington Terrier


MOST SUITED AS In the past the Bedlington Terrier was used to destroy vermin and for hunting hares and foxes, among other smaller animals. Today they are chiefly family pets.

The shoulder-height is approximately 41cm (181/2in) with a permissible 2.5cm (lin) higher and lower latitude.

The Bedlington Terrier used to be called a wolf in sheep's clothing. Its coat grows in curly short whirls, which stand out from the body. They can be plain blue, blue with brown, liver, or sandy-coloured. The most common colour is blue. Puppies are born black or brown.

This dog needs to visit a dog-trimming parlour at least once a year for its coat to be kept in order. In addition to this it requires regular grooming with brush and comb. It does not moult. Keep the inside of the ears free of hair by removing them yourself or get a trimming parlour to do it for you. Bedlingtons should not be washed too often or the coat will become lank, which is not con­sidered appropriate for the breed. Dogs which are to be shown require greater levels of grooming.

The Bedlington Terrier is brave and tenacious, intelligent, peaceful indoors and equable, loving with children, playful, barks little, is loyal, cheerful and has a mind of its own. They tend to bond closely with one member of the family.

Bedlingtons are intelligent and they grasp things quickly, although they can be a bit stubborn. They react well to your voice, but the occa­sional corrective measure may be required.

This breed usually gets on well with children. They need to learn to like cats and also other household animals when they are young. Generally they can get on with other dogs but keep them away from dominant dogs, because once challenged they are terrifying fighters!

The Bedlington Terrier can run fast and jump high and it loves doing both. Letting it run be­side your cycle is an ideal way for it to burn off energy.

This breed is fine in a flat or aprtment, provided it gets sufficient outdoor exercise.

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