utorok 12. februára 2008

Bergamasco Dog

MOST SUITED AS Sheepdog, guard-dog, and family pet.

The dogs weigh 32 – 38kg (701/2 – 831/21b) with a shoulder-height of 60cm (231/2in). The bitches weigh 26 – 32kg (57 – 701 /21b) with a shoulder-height of 56cm (221/2in).
The breed standard permits both sexes to be 2cm (1/tin) shorter.

The Bergamsco has a thick under layer to its coat and has a tendency for the outer layer to become felt-like; the hair on the head and shoulders is free from this problem. The coat is plain grey or speckled grey, plain black, or grey­ish-yellow with fawn markings. White markings are permissible provided they do not represent more than 20 per cent of the area of the coat.

During its first year merely comb the Bergamsco. Thereafter, the coat will start to felt-up and to prevent this you will need to pluck bunches of about 3cm (11/2in) diameter out by hand. The hair on the head must be combed. A bath now and then does no harm but it is best given in the summer since it can take more than a day for the coat to dry.

Intelligent and extremely eager to work, inde­pendent, well-balanced and calm, brave and alert, friendly, and bonds very closely with its human family.

Bergamsco is not a difficult breed to bring up and to train. Socialize them well when they are young and remain consistent and clear in your dealings with them.

Provided they have been correctly socialized, they get on well with other pets.

This breed is generally fine with children; in­deed it has a tendency to protect them against being pestered by other children. They make first-class guard-dogs and an extremely un­pleasant surprise for anyone who should break into your house. They are rather reserved with those whom they do not know.

They require plenty of exercise. This is best done with regular walks. Within a large enough, well-fenced area the Bergamsco will happily take care of its own exercise. They are still used daily to herd livestock, making them true working dogs which do not belong in a small flat.

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