utorok 12. februára 2008

Cao da Serra de Aires

MOST SUITED AS All-round herding dog, guard-dog, and family pet.

The shoulder-height is 45 - 55cm (171/2 -211/2in) for dogs and 42 - 52cm (161/t - 201/2in) for bitches.

The coat is long and smooth or sometimes there is a slight wave; there is no under layer to the coat. The most usual colour is black, but grey, yellow, and brown are also to be found, pref­erably with tan markings.
A few white hairs are permissible but patches of white hairs are not, except for a white patch on the chest.

Check regularly for tangles but do not brush the coat too much because it is not good for the texture of the hair. Trim any excess hair between the pads of the feet. It is said that this breed should be shampooed as little as possible.

This high spirited, animated, and intelligent dog is eager to work, very loyal and bonds with its own people, is sober, alert, easily learns, but is also stubborn, and dominant.

The Cao da Serra de Aires demands an ex­tremely consistent and well-balanced training. They learn quickly and easily, but can exhibit stubbornness and dominance. It requires a con­fident handler.

These dogs mix well with other dogs, and live happily alongside other pets, provided they have been correctly socialized. They are usually patient with children but the dogs in particular can be possessive of their ter­ritory. This breed tends to be reserved with strangers and makes a good watchdog.

The Cao da Serra de Aires has an extreme stamina. If it gets enough exercise, it will be calm in the house. This breed achieve very well in agility.

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