utorok 12. februára 2008

Chinese Shar-Pei


MOST SUITED AS Family pet.

The shoulder-height is 48 - 58cm (18 1/2 - 22 1/2in) and the weight is about 18kg (39'121b).

The coat is very hard and is intended to be very short and bristly (the "horsecoat" variety). There is also a variety with longer hair (the "brushcoat") but these are not preferred. Per­mitted colours are black, brown, red, and fawn. A cream-coloured coat is also known but is not highly regarded. Lighter tints of the main colours are permitted but never white or multi­coloured. Shar Pei dogs have a blue tongue and blue pigment.

The Shar Pei has folds of skin over his entire body, especially when young. Check them regu­larly and clean if necessary. Some examples have a tail which lies very close to the body and this too needs to be inspected and cleaned to prevent infections. Put drops in the eyes as necessary and groom the coat with a soft brush.

The Shar Pei is loyal to its handler, playful, active, dominant, brave, and is an intelligent dog that does not follow slavishly, and is reasonably vigilant.

The training needs to be extremely consistent. Whenever you are too uncertain, too incon­stant, too soft, or too lenient in the dog's eyes, it will reverse roles. The Shar Pei needs a confident handler.

The Shar Pei bonds with the people who form its family but they are not unfriendly towards strangers. Normally they are fine with children and cats present no problems if they have met them when young. Mixing with other dogs can sometimes present problems. This is because the Shar Pei is by nature ready for a fight.

The breed has a fairly considerable need for exercise. Provided they get enough outdoor exercise, they will be very peaceful indoors.

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